Our main way of communicating and working with FG Leary Students during the Covid-19 School Closures will be through an APP called Microsoft Office Teams.
Please follow the directions below to hep your child to set up the Office 365 Teams App on a desktop computer, laptop, iPad or other tablet, or Smartphone:
Your child already has a licence for this service. It is a part of the Microsoft 365 suite.
Please down the App if possible, rather than using it in a browser.
If you are on a computer, you can download the app here.
If you would like to use teams on an apple device (iPad, iPhone, etc...) you can find the app here.
If you are on an android device, search the android store. It is a free app.
Each child in the school has a login and password unique to them.
Your child's teacher will be connecting with you to ensure you have both the login and password for your child.
Usernames follow this format. studentnumber@sd33online.ca
Your child's student number is a six or seven digit number.
Your child's password will be a mix of letters and numbers.
Please download and try logging in to the service. Teachers will be setting up a classroom team that will add your child as soon as they log in. They should be set up by early next week at the latest (week of March 6), and your child's teacher will let you know once this is done.
Do not stress if you run into tech trouble. We will help you if you have any difficulty in getting this set up.
Simply let your child's teacher know via email if you are having difficulty
Teachers are very much looking forward to connecting with your child on Teams, and to connect your child with their classmates on Teams!